Special issue on the stability of ships and ocean vehicles

Dracos Vassalos, Alberto Francescutto, Marcelo Neves

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


With artefacts on human endeavors at sea dated as far back as 6500 B.C., it is mind boggling to think that it was not until 250 B.C. when the first recorded steps to establish the foundation of Naval Architecture, floatability and stability, were made by Archimedes. It is even more astonishing that practical pertinence and function of these two very basic principles remained dormant for nearly two millennia after this (probably lack of recorded history), before the first attempts to convey the meaning of stability to men of practice took place in the 18th century by Hoste and Bouguer. Regulations, especially addressing accidents that involve water ingress and flooding, were introduced even much later. Notably, the first specific criterion on residual static stability standards was introduced at the 1960 SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) Convention.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)349-351
Number of pages3
JournalOcean Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2016


  • ocean vehicles
  • ship stability
  • naval architecture


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