Some recent research on thin-walled members at the University of Strathclyde

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The research carried out in the past at the University of Strathclyde into Thin-Walled Structures is briefly reviewed in this paper. Various areas of thin-walled structures are considered, including cold-formed steel structures, plates and shells, storage and pressure vessels, and piping. The research is discussed largely with reference to the PhD projects successfully completed in the University, and particularly in the Mechanical Engineering Department, but involvement in design codes, design courses, industrial research and development and collaboration with other organisations is also briefly outlined. Paper presented at the 11th Symposium on the Stability of Structures, Zakopane, Poland, September 2006.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Event11th Symposium on the Stability of Structures - Zakopane, Poland
Duration: 1 Sept 2006 → …


Conference11th Symposium on the Stability of Structures
CityZakopane, Poland
Period1/09/06 → …


  • thin walled structures
  • cold forming
  • steel
  • plate
  • pressure vessel
  • piping


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