Softer footprints: the role of planning in meeting the net-zero targets - delivering sustainable design

Research output: Contribution to conferenceKeynote

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Theory and practice in architectural design today is framed within a larger discourse on sustainability, which identifies a faltering relationship between humans and nature at the root of ecological crises (including Climate Change and Covid-19). An important response within the architectural academy and profession during the 21st century must be to minimize the carbon footprint of buildings and cities, and their negative impacts on the natural environment, in order to (re)create a built environment capable of sustainably meeting the needs of all people in an equitable way. I'll present a short 5-minute film (with words, music, and images), providing some context to this discourse.


SeminarScotland Policy Conferences
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • zero carbon buildings
  • carbon footprints
  • architectural and urban research


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