Smart strategies for the transition in coal intensive regions

Rita Mergner, Rainer Janssen, Dominik Rutz, Charalampos Malamatenios, Georgia Veziryianni, Dirk Knoche, Anne Rademacher, Rainer Schlepphorst, Sara Davies, Rona Michie, Wilbert den Hoed, Lulin Radulov, Christian Doczekal, Greg Arrowsmith, Gloria Popescu, Marian Dobrin, Jasmina Mandic Lukic, Miodrag Mesarovic, Igor Volchyn, Dmytro BondzykMarcin Pietrzykowski, Justyna Likus-Cieslik, Trygve Rees, Ken Palmer, Jan Frouz, Marketa Hendrychova, Sabina Irimie

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The TRACER project supports a number of coal-intensive regions around Europe to design (or re-design) their Research and Innovation (R&I) strategies in order to facilitate their transition towards a sustainable energy system. The TRACER consortium consists of different target regions: South East Bulgaria, North West Bohemia - Czech Republic, Lusatian Lignite District - Germany, Western Macedonia - Greece, Upper Silesian Coalfield - Poland, West Region, Jiu Valley - Romania, Wales – UK, Kolubara - Serbia, Donetsk - Ukraine. Core activities of TRACER include the implementation of an EDP (Entrepreneurial Discovery Process) to mobilise a wide range of stakeholders in each target region to develop an appropriate governance structure and to bring regional stakeholders together to discuss and agree on a shared vision and priorities for coal transition. R&I strategies, industrial roadmaps and decision support tools will be developed jointly with key stakeholders of the TRACER target regions. Further TRACER activities include the identification and analysis of best practice examples of successful and ambitious transition processes in coal intensive regions, a detailed assessment of social, environmental and technological challenges, the elaboration of guidelines on how to mobilise investment as well as dedicated activities to stimulate R&I cooperation among coal intensive regions in Europe and beyond.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2020
EventThe 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - Digital
Duration: 6 Jul 20209 Jul 2020


ConferenceThe 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition


  • energy transition
  • coal regions
  • R&I strategies
  • industrial roadmaps
  • entrepreneurial discovery
  • social challenges
  • skill development


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