Simulating dynamics of ellipsoidal particles using lattice Boltzmann method

Sumesh P. Thampi, Kevin Stratford, Oliver Henrich

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Anisotropic particles are often encountered in different fields of soft matter and complex fluids. In this work, we present an implementation of the coupled hydrodynamics of solid ellipsoidal particles and the surrounding fluid using the lattice Boltzmann method. A standard link-based mechanism is used to implement the solid-fluid boundary conditions. We develop an implicit method to update the position and orientation of the ellipsoid. This exploits the relations between the quaternion which describes the ellipsoid's orientation and the ellipsoid's angular velocity to obtain a stable and robust dynamic update. The proposed algorithm is validated by looking at four scenarios: (i) the steady translational velocity of a spheroid subject to an external force in different orientations, (ii) the drift of an inclined spheroid subject to an imposed force, (iii) three-dimensional rotational motions in a simple shear flow (Jeffrey's orbits), and (iv) developed fluid flows and self-propulsion exhibited by a spheroidal microswimmer. In all cases the comparison of numerical results shows good agreement with known analytical solutions, irrespective of the choice of the fluid properties, geometrical parameters, and lattice Boltzmann model, thus demonstrating the robustness of the proposed algorithm.
Original languageEnglish
Article number065302
Number of pages14
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2024


  • lattice Boltzmann methods
  • fluid dynamics
  • polymers and soft matter


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