Short-term wind power forecasting based on clustering pre-calculated CFD method

Yimei Wang, Yongqian Liu, Li Li, David Infield, Shuang Han

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To meet the increasing wind power forecasting (WPF) demands of newly built wind farms without historical data, physical WPF methods are widely used. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) pre-calculated flow fields (CPFF)-based WPF is a promising physical approach, which can balance well the competing demands of computational efficiency and accuracy. To enhance its adaptability for wind farms in complex terrain, a WPF method combining wind turbine clustering with CPFF is first proposed where the wind turbines in the wind farm are clustered and a forecasting is undertaken for each cluster. K-means, hierarchical agglomerative and spectral analysis methods are used to establish the wind turbine clustering models. The Silhouette Coefficient, Calinski-Harabaz index and within-between index are proposed as criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the established clustering models. Based on different clustering methods and schemes, various clustering databases are built for clustering pre-calculated CFD (CPCC)-based short-term WPF. For the wind farm case studied, clustering evaluation criteria show that hierarchical agglomerative clustering has reasonable results, spectral clustering is better and K-means gives the best performance. The WPF results produced by different clustering databases also prove the effectiveness of the three evaluation criteria in turn. The newly developed CPCC model has a much higher WPF accuracy than the CPFF model without using clustering techniques, both on temporal and spatial scales. The research provides supports for both the development and improvement of short-term physical WPF systems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number854
Number of pages19
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2018


  • wind turbine
  • clustering model
  • computational fluid dynamics
  • pre-calculated database
  • wind power forecasting


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