Sensing opportunities: is there a need for a managed search process in open innovation?

Stuart MacKinven, Jillian MacBryde, Beverly Wagner

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This paper attempts to better understand how firms can improve their open innovation capabilities. Specifically this paper focuses on the process of external searching. An in-depth literature review, combined with workshops with companies from the oil and gas sector lead the authors to conclude that firms can improve their innovation performance by having a defined and managed process for their core open innovation activities. Our research shows evidence of open innovation activity, but points to a lack of managed searching processes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2014
Event21st EurOMA Conference - Palermo, Italy
Duration: 22 Jun 201425 Jun 2014


Conference21st EurOMA Conference
Internet address


  • dynamic capabilities
  • open innovation
  • sensing
  • managed search process
  • innovation performance management
  • innovation management


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