Semi-analytical attitude propagation of low-altitude Earth orbiting objects

I. Cavallari, J. Feng, M. Vasile*

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The paper introduces an averaged model suitable for studying the long-term attitude dynamics of low Earth orbit objects subject to the interaction with the exosphere. This work extends previous results by the authors on the development of a semi-analytical theory for long-term attitude propagation. The first-order averaged model is developed by expressing the rotational problem in modified Sadov variables and performing the average of the equations of motion over the fast Sadov angles and the orbital mean anomaly. A transformation from osculating to mean variables is also derived from a combination of Lie transformations. The approach proposed in this paper is applied to two possible atmospheric drag models: a simple, commonly used, model characterised by a constant dimensionless drag coefficient and a higher fidelity model based on the theory by Sentman (1961).
Original languageEnglish
Article number108550
Number of pages25
JournalCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Early online date30 Dec 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 30 Dec 2024


  • attitude dynamics
  • semi-analytical theory
  • atmospheric drag
  • astrodynamics


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