Scottish legal education after Brexit

Sylvie Da Lomba, Maria Fletcher, Rebecca Zahn

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This paper offers some reflections on the possible consequences of Brexit on legal education in Scotland. Scotland's small and distinctive legal system is bolstered by devolved legislative powers and characterised by a tradition of openness to external influences. Scotland's legal system and relatedly, its legal education system, will be poorer for Brexit. That said, this paper argues that the features and traditions of the legal system and legal higher education system in Scotland make them well-placed (and perhaps better placed than the other domestic jurisdictions) to resist such dampening pressures and indeed to embrace EU-legacies and other European and international influences.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)138-147
Number of pages10
JournalLaw Teacher
Issue number2
Early online date21 Feb 2019
Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2019


  • Scotland
  • Scots law
  • legal education
  • Brexit


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