Scotland in the 2017 UK General Election

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


It will be clear across this report that the 2017 UK General Election was called on a single issue. Just as Edward Heath went to the voters in 1974 to ask “who rules Britain”, 2017 election saw the Conservatives’ Theresa May demand the confidence of the electorate in negotiating the UK’s exit from the European Union. Neither request produced the desired response: Heath was removed from office and May’s anticipated increased majority crumbled to a minority administration.

To some extent, such altered prospects are to be expected in the information vortex of an election contest. The tragedies that befall a functioning state, along with the interests and tactics of opposing parties, buffer and derail even the most robust campaign messages, and therefore played havoc with the conspicuously-vacuous “strong and stable” slogan favoured by Conservative strategists.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUK Election Analysis 2017
Subtitle of host publicationMedia, Voters and the Campaign
EditorsEinar Thorsen, Dan Jackson, Darren Lilleker
Place of PublicationBournemouth
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2017


  • UK general election
  • Scottish politics
  • devolved government


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