Scotland from the Census of Production

David N.F. Bell, Gary Emmett, Neil Fraser, Anne Jowett, Frank X. Kirwan, James W. McGilvray, Iain H. McNicoll, Lyle Moar, Ian Orton, David R. F. Simpson, A. A. Wingfield, David N.F. Bell (Editor)

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    The Census of Production is a survey of manufacturing establishments in the UK and
    has been carried out, in one form or another, since 1907. Initially the surveys
    were only taken every 5 years but since 1948 they have been done on an annual basis. Since 1952 sample techniques have been introduced such that approximately 1 in 7 establishments are required to provide information about their activities. Over
    the years the information asked has changed, with a general tendency toward greater simplification in the range of questions, yet always retaining the important
    aggregates - total persons employed, total wages and salaries, total value of output
    and capital expenditure. This brief explores recent Census data in the context of Scottish economic malaise.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)24-28
    Number of pages5
    JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 1979


    • Census of Production
    • economic surveys
    • Scottish economy
    • Scotland


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