Scoring and analysis of short-forms of the WPPSI-III based on any subtest combination

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book


The goal of this project has been the creation of a Composite-based short-form of the WPPSI-III (Primary) which is able to use any combination of subtests whilst also supplying the same range of comprehensive analytic methods that are available for the full-length version. Additionally, the current short-form application provides further quantitative methods that exceed those that are available for the full-length version. The psychometric methods employed are based on those developed by Crawford et al. (2010) for fixed subtest short-forms but are extended to allow users to select the subtests included in the short-form. Because the calculations are complex and time consuming (and need to be carried out in real time because of the large number of potential short-forms) the methods are implemented in a computer program for end users. The use of the short-form (and of the accompanying program) is illustrated with examples. The short-form produces confidence intervals on scores, and allows analysis of the reliability and abnormality of differences in a child’s profile of scores. The short-form and its associated methods should prove to be a useful tool in both clinical practice and research validity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSCOTTISH BRANCH Undergraduate Conference
Subtitle of host publicationBritish Psychological Society (BPS)
Place of PublicationUniversity of Strathclyde
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2015


  • developmental psychology
  • cognitive assessment
  • child neuropsychology


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