Roma Families' Engagement with Education and Other Services

Daniela Sime, Giovanna Fassetta, Michele McClung

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    Since 2004, many states with a substantial Roma population have gained rights for free mobility and employment across the EU. As a result, many Roma families have migrated from Eastern to Western Europe in search of better opportunities. Glasgow, where this study took place, estimates the Roma groups in the city at about 2,000 Slovak and about 1,000 Romanian individuals. Although Roma arrivals are a recent phenomenon in Glasgow, the concentration of families in the city and a history of marginalisation in their homeland poses specific challenges for local services. In this context, the study presented here, has aimed to gather the views of Roma children and parents on opportunities available to them in Glasgow, in terms of education and access to other services. We are grateful for their views and for taking the time to contribute to the project.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationGlasgow
    PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
    Number of pages56
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2014


    • Roma families
    • Eastern European migrants
    • migrant and services
    • child poverty
    • Glasgow
    • Glasgow City Council


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