Right at the start: a research and development agenda for teacher induction

Jim McNally, Iddo Oberski

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Recent developments in teacher induction in both England and Scotland are bringing long overdue improvements, but there is a range of issues in need of further exploration if policy is to be developed. Current evaluations have begun to reveal the absence of some important conceptual aspects of induction in the somewhat hasty implementation. Some of these have been well rehearsed in the literature over the years but have generally failed to make any impact hitherto in induction policy. This paper picks up and discusses some of the conceptual tensions and weaknesses that have, or are likely to, become practical issues of quality, in both Scottish and English induction policies. These include the use of competence-based descriptions, the non-formal dimension of learning to teach, open narrative and focused approaches to classroom observation and feedback, individualism and a pupil perspective. The array of concepts is organised into a constructive, topical agenda which, it is argued, bring a much needed formative dimension to research and development in this crucial area of professional learning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-74
Number of pages15
JournalTeacher Development
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2003


  • teacher induction
  • staff development
  • classroom
  • teaching
  • curricular studies


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