Rethinking mobile interfaces for older adults

Neil Charness , Mark Dunlop, Cosmin Munteanu , Emma Nicol, Antti Oulasvirta, Xiangshi Ren, Sayan Sarcar, Chaklam Silpasuwanchai

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)
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This SIG advances the study of mobile user interfaces for the aging population. The topic is timely, as the mobile device has become the most widely used computer terminal and at the same time the number of older people will soon exceed the number of children worldwide. However, most HCI research addresses younger adults and has had little impact on older adults. Some design trends, like the mantra “smaller is smarter”, contradict the needs of older users. Developments like this may diminish their ability to access information and participate in society. This can lead to further isolation (social and physical) of older adults and increased widening of the digital divide. This SIG aims to discuss mobile interfaces for older adults. The SIG has three goals: (i) to map the state-of-art, (ii) to build a community gathering experts from related areas, and (iii) to raise awareness within the SIGCHI community. The SIG will be open to all at CHI.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 12 May 2016
EventACM CHI 2016 - San Jose, United States
Duration: 7 May 201612 May 2016


ConferenceACM CHI 2016
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Jose


  • older adults
  • gerontechnology
  • gerontology
  • cognitive psychology
  • accessibility
  • empirical studies
  • cognitive models
  • mobile interface design


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