Restorative Justice Training Needs Analysis for Scotland: Report to the Scottish Government

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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Restorative Justice (RJ) is described by the Scottish Government as RJ as “a process of independent, facilitated contact, which supports constructive dialogue between a victim and a person who has harmed (whether this be an adult, a child, a young person or a representative of a corporate or other body) arising from an offence or alleged offence.”

In 2019 the Scottish Government published a Restorative Justice Action Plan outlining the necessary steps to ensure consistent, quality RJ is available across Scotland by 2023. 2 One of its overarching outcomes includes the delivery of services by trained RJ facilitators, supported by accreditation, continuous monitoring and evaluation.

In spring 2022, the University of Strathclyde was commissioned by the Scottish Government to conduct, over a period of three months, a Training Needs Analysis in relation to RJ in Scotland. The aim was to deliver an analysis of RJ training needs and provide a programme of training requirements based upon the identified leaning needs.

During the period of our analysis (April and June 2022), we have:
* Examined the available international literature relating to RJ training needs.
* Conducted 10 interviews and 7 focus groups with 26 key stakeholders, including researchers and policy officials, potential RJ providers, referrers, trainers, and representatives of potential service users.
* Held a strategic discussion event at the University of Strathclyde with key personnel from across the justice system and who have a particular in interest in RJ.

The data from our interviews and focus groups was analysed in the light of our knowledge of RJ to produce an assessment of training needs and a programme of training requirements. Our primary concern was to include the views and concerns of those who will likely be at the forefront of service delivery and who will likely be involved in the referral of RJ cases.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages52
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2022


  • restorative justice
  • victims
  • report
  • dialogue
  • training requirements
  • interviews
  • focus groups


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