Research on interventions to manage land markets and limit the concentration of land ownership elsewhere in the world

Jayne Glass, Rosalind Bryce, Malcolm Combe, Norman E. Hutchison, Martin F. Price, Leonie Schulz, Diana Valero

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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In Scotland, there are no restrictions on how much land a single individual can own, and a concentrated pattern of large-scale private land ownership exists, particularly in rural areas. The Scottish Government has made it clear that it believes there is a need for change, stating that its vision is for a fairer – or wider and more equitable – distribution of land in Scotland, where communities and individuals have access to land and there is greater diversity of land ownership. This study was commissioned to enable the Scottish Land Commission to learn from international experience of imposing limits on who can own land and/or how much land any single individual or entity can own.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyScottish Land Commission
Number of pages62
VolumeCommissioned Report No 001
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2018


  • land ownership restrictions
  • property rights
  • international examples
  • land concentration
  • land market interventions


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