Representing artefacts as media: modelling the relationship between designer intent and consumer experience

Nathan Crilly, Anja Maier, P. John Clarkson

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The design literature contains many diagrammatic models that represent the relationship between how designers intend artefacts to be experienced and how they are subsequently experienced by consumers, users and other stakeholders. Despite the prevalence of such models, they remain largely disconnected from each other, both within and across design disciplines, and also disconnected from the models of communication whose basic structure they share. The existing models are therefore difficult to locate and useful conceptual developments are often overlooked. The consequences of this are that unnecessary effort is expended in developing representations that duplicate those that already exist or new models are developed from inappropriate foundations. To address such issues, this article reviews many of the existing models that can be found in the different disciplines that comprise the fields of communication and design. The most pertinent features of these models are extracted and synthesised into a generic communication-based model of design. This acts as both a guide to what the existing models emphasise and an integrated foundation from which future models might be developed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-27
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Design
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2008


  • communication
  • consumer response
  • design intentions
  • interaction
  • mass media
  • product experience


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