Representations of the tirailleur sénégalais and World War 1

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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My chapter for this volume on the ACHAC collection will examine representations of the sub-Saharan African colonial infantryman, the famed tirailleur sénégalais, who became an iconic figure in France in the aftermath of WW1: such images are found in drawings, postcards, photographs, posters. My approach is informed by my research on the WW1 veteran, Lamine Senghor, who became a leading figure in the communist-inspired anti-colonial movement in the 1920s, and who used his status as former tirailleur to legitimize his critique of empire. The main aim of my chapter is thus to situate this figure of the militant tirailleur in relation to existing representations of the tirailleur as featured in the ACHAC collection.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVisualizing Empire
Subtitle of host publicationAfrica, Europe, and the Politics of Representation
EditorsRebecca Peabody, Steven Nelson, Dominic Thomas
Place of PublicationLos Angeles
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2021


  • Africa
  • postcolonial
  • empire


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