Remote methane sensor using TDLS via a high power Raman amplified source

D. Mitchell, K. Duffin, W. Johnstone

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


We report a long-range near-IR methane sensor for inspection of natural gas collection, storage sites and pipeline networks. The principle is that a laser carrier beam is directed at the target surface across a test path and the backscatter from the surface is collected via a large Fresnel lens onto the photoreceiver. A Raman amplifier has been designed to amplify the TDLS optical signal generated by a 1650.95nm DFB laser diode to over 1W CW. Combining the high power output of the Raman amplifier and the highly sensitive TDLS technique, we may report 100ppm.m sensitivity at more than 100m by extrapolation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2009
EventInternational Conference on Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research - Hotel am Badersee, Grainau, Germany
Duration: 6 Sept 200911 Sept 2009


ConferenceInternational Conference on Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research
Abbreviated titleFLAIR 2009
Internet address


  • raman scattering
  • methane
  • tuneable diode laser spectroscopy


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