Reflections on international environmental adjudication: international adjudication vs. compliance mechanisms in multilateral environmental agreements

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter describes the general trend in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) to-wards the establishment of managerial compliance mechanisms, and discusses their main insti-tutional and procedural features, before assessing their overall performance. This overview of compliance mechanisms in global MEA, will in turn provide the backdrop for reflecting on some of the recent developments in the case law of the ICJ. It argues that Whaling in the Antarctic sheds light on some of the issues that may have kept States from bringing claims based on mul-tilateral treaties before international courts – yet challenges remain for adjudicating international environmental disputes through international courts and tribunals. The chapter concludes with some reflections about the distinctive roles and potential complementarities between internation-al environmental adjudication and regime-internal managerial compliance control in the broader picture of global environmental governance.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Environment Through the Lens of International Courts and Tribunals
EditorsEdgardo Sobenes, Sarah Mead, Benjamin Samson
Place of PublicationThe Hague, Netherlands
Number of pages35
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2022


  • international environmental law
  • multilateral environmental agreements
  • international courts and tribunals
  • compliance mechanisms
  • adjudicative dispute settlement
  • managerialism
  • inter-legality


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