Reconstruction of tritium release history from contaminated groundwater using tree ring analysis

R. Kalin*, C.E. Murphy, G. Hall

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


The history of tritium releases to the groundwater from buried waste was reconstructed through dendrochronology. Wood from dated tree rings was sectioned from a cross-section of a tree that was thought to tap the groundwater. Cellulose was chemically separated from the wood. The cellulose was combusted and the water of combustion collected for liquid scintillation counting. The tritium concentration in the rings rose rapidly after 1972 which was prior to the first measurements made in this area. Trends in the tritium concentration of water outcropping to the surface are similar to the trends in tritium concentration in tree rings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)883-887
Number of pages5
JournalFusion Technology
Issue number3 pt 1
Publication statusPublished - Oct 1995
Event5th Topical Meeting on Tritium Technology in Fission, Fusion, and Isotopic Applications - Belgirate, Italy
Duration: 28 May 19953 Jun 1995


  • tritium
  • tree-rings
  • groundwater


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