Reasons to be cheerful: factors making a positive difference to children in residential care in Scotland

Mary Morris

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The Care Inspectorate, the regulator for care homes for children in Scotland, has analysed some of the key factors that contribute to our evaluations of high performing services. These services are making a positive difference to the children and young people living in them. Many residential childcare services in Scotland are helping children experience a good, loving childhood, with their needs met and their rights upheld. This article will outline these factors and hopefully convey a sense of optimism regarding residential childcare in Scotland. These key messages were shared in an online session in April 2023.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
JournalScottish Journal of Residential Child Care
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 23 Nov 2023


  • relationships
  • leadership
  • understanding trauma
  • well considered matching
  • optimism
  • Scotland


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