Reading Poetry: An Introduction. 2nd Edition

Tom Furniss, Mike Bath

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Reading Poetry is a comprehensive, accessible and extremely effective guide to the arts of reading, analysing and enjoying poetry. From the opening chapter, which examines assumptions about what poetry might be, successive chapters map a path that takes the reader from the basics of simple appreciation to an understanding of the often complex theoretical and historical contexts that enrich any appreciation of poetry. While emphasising the importance of close textual analysis - or reading in slow motion - the authors clearly demonstrate how an understanding of form, language and context can combine to produce sophisticated and original responses to all types of poetry. The second edition of this best-selling book includes a number of developments that make it more user-friendly for the individual reader and more suitable as a stand-alone textbook for university courses in poetry. The poetic examples have been increased to 150, ranging from the 14th to the 21st century, and clear guidance is provided on further reading in footnotes and an expanded bibliography. This edition includes a new chapter on Post-Colonial Poetry,a substantial increase in the number of end-of-chapter exercises, and a comprehensive Glossary of Poetic Terms. The aim of the book is preserved from that of the first edition, namely to enhance readers' literary and scholarly competence, and to restore enjoyment to the reading of poetry.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages648
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2007


  • poetry
  • english studies


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