Queer encounters of sexuality and class: navigating emotional landscapes of academia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Citations (Scopus)


In this piece I consider processes of being (or becoming) on the academic map and the emotional disjunctures across time and place felt in occupying academia, in conducting research and in moving through intersecting spaces of teaching-research. The promise of entering and achieving in Higher Education is at once seductive (CVs produced, academic stars circulated internationally) and disturbing, felt and encountered across the university environment, via administrative, teaching and research concerns. These points of arriving, departing and travelling through institutional space intersect with what I feel about occupying academia. The emotional 'stickiness' of these contexts contrasts with the vision of the engaged, inclusive institution that now welcomes all through its door, with this rhetoric of arrival and belonging effacing starting points, varied journeys, different labours and divided recognitions. These are emotional matters manifest in teaching and research encounters, where a 'critical pedagogy' may be read as a failure, mobilised by the sangry, emotional feminist academic, rather than her 'neutral' 'objective' 'rational' un-emotional counterpart. In arguing for an emotional presence constituted in and through teaching and research, I consider the emotional landscape of class and sexuality in particular, asking what is taken with us as we travel through academia, where feminist research in particular has been critical of the travelling subject (or 'self'), who tells only their own story.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-58
Number of pages8
JournalEmotion, Space and Society
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 31 Aug 2013


  • academia
  • auto/ethnography
  • class
  • queer
  • sexuality
  • researching-teaching


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