Protecting the last mile and enabling an LVDC distribution network

Abdullah Emhemed, Graeme Burt

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


Low voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution systems have significant potential to support the future realisation of smart grids. They do however present significant protection challenges that existing schemes based on DC fuses and electro-mechanical circuit breakers (EMCBs) cannot manage due to slow device performance. This research presents these challenges, and investigates the effectiveness of using existing LV protection options for protecting an LVDC last mile.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2013
EventSupergen HubNet : HubNet Smartgrids Symposium September 2013 - Cardiff, United Kingdom
Duration: 18 Sept 201319 Sept 2013


ConferenceSupergen HubNet : HubNet Smartgrids Symposium September 2013
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • IEC61660
  • low voltage
  • DC distribution current
  • DC protection


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