Prospects for the decentralised control of small-scale power networks with embedded generation

Graham Dudgeon, William Leithead, John O'Reilly, James Mcdonald

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

11 Citations (Scopus)


The control of a small-scale power network incorporating four generators is investigated in this paper. The small-signal dynamic characteristics and control system performance are assessed using individual channel analysis and design (ICAD). ICAD is motivated through the need to understand the effect of system interaction on both the control design task and robustness. System interaction on individual transmissions is explicitly considered through the use of multivariable structure functions which, although scalar, encapsulate the multivariable nature of the system. The strength of such an approach is that highly successful single-input single-output classical control techniques such as Nyquist/Bode can be used without loss of multivariable information. For the example network, ICAD enables the design of the individual controllers to be performed independently of one another and determines that the effect of system interaction is not detrimental to network stability. It therefore potentially provides a strong platform for consideration of large-scale networks with embedded generation. Finally, the ICAD network control analysis and
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2000 IEEE power engineering society winter meeting, conference proceedings, volumes 1-4
Place of PublicationPiscataway, NJ
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)0780359364
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Event2000 Winter Meeting of the IEEE Power Engineering-Society - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 23 Jan 200027 Jan 2000


Conference2000 Winter Meeting of the IEEE Power Engineering-Society


  • power system control
  • power system dynamic stability
  • distributed control
  • embedded generation


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