Promotion and Power

David Miller, A. Briggs (Editor), P. Cobley (Editor)

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    This is a fully updated edition of the bestselling The Media: An Introduction, a collection of specially written essays designed to introduce the study of media. The book enhances its reputation as an original and insightful volume covering the whole spectrum of media. This fully updated and expanded edition offers an accessible factual and theoretical overview of the media industry and is a comprehensive empirical guide to the separate institutions that make up the media.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe media: an introduction
    Place of PublicationLondon, UK
    Number of pages8
    Volume2nd ed
    Publication statusPublished - 2002


    • media spin
    • propaganda
    • media power
    • media analysis
    • globalization


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