Principal components analysis of Raman spectra to aid the diagnosis of alzheimer's disease

J.K.J. Archer, R.A. Black, D. Thalmann, C.D. Sudworth

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Abstract of paper from the Joint BMLA and Lasercare Meeting 2005. In the UK 800,000 people suffer from Alzheimer's disease, a figure that is expected to double before 2050. Unlike other dementias, Alzheimer's is not simply an effect of ageing, but a disease that accounts for 65% of existing dementias suffered. Currently there is no diagnostic test for Alzheimer's disease. Patients showing symptoms must undergo rigorous physical, psychiatric and neurological examinations (upon which experienced clinicians can only be 90% positive) before diagnosis is attempted; conclusive proof only ensues at post-mortem. The presence of two structural markers, senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, are identified at this stage. The disease causes the break down of β-amyloid and tau proteins, destroying neurons. The remaining protein fragments form clumps observed as plaques and tangles.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)B10-B11
    JournalLasers in Medical Science
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • alzheimer's disease
    • raman spectra
    • bioengineering
    • dementia


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