Preliminary mission analysis for the ESMO mission

M. Ceriotti, C. Colombo, Nicolas Croisard, Timothee McLean

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The European Student Moon Orbiter, currently at preliminary phase A, is the first lunar spacecraft entirely designed by students, projected for launch in 2011 and to reach a stable lunar orbit around the Moon. This paper presents the trajectory analysis and design performed to accomplish the primary and secondary objectives of the mission. The requirements affecting the mission analysis are listed, including their effects on the target lunar orbit. The Outreach mission would send a spacecraft into a polar orbit around the Moon, the only payload on board being a Narrow Angle Camera. The Science mission will inject a nano satellite in a low, circular, polar orbit around the Moon. Two different transfer options were studied, making use of chemical and solar electric propulsion. Particular emphasis is put on the launch window analysis. In fact, being the spacecraft an auxiliary payload, the trajectory design must be compliant with any launch opportunity inside a three year launch window. Finally corollary studies, such as eclipse durations and ground station visibilities will be covered.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2007
Event58th International Astronautical Congress - Hyderabad, India
Duration: 24 Sept 200728 Sept 2007


Conference58th International Astronautical Congress
CityHyderabad, India


  • european student moon orbiter mission
  • trajectory analysis
  • lunar orbit
  • solar propulsion


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