Powerbase: A collaborative resource for monitoring power networks

David Miller, Idrees Ahmad

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    In early 2009, the Public Interest reporting website Spinwatch launched Powerbase a collaborative database on power networks. Powerbase is a Wiki-based free encyclopaedia of individuals, institutions and issues shaping the public agenda, from PR and lobbying firms, to government agencies. Powerbase focuses on power networks, on how they are organised and on associated issues such as 'spin' and propaganda in politics, the corporate world and elsewhere. It includes significant resources on neoconservative networks, terrorism expertise, policing and intelligence agencies. The project aims to serve as a resource for journalists, activists and academics, as an educational, campaigning, or knowledge transfer tool.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalRadical Statistics
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • powerbase
    • power monitoring
    • lobbying
    • power networks
    • politics


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