Power system protection for more and full electric marine systems

Campbell Booth, I.M. Elders, J.D. Schuddebeurs, J.R. McDonald, S. Loddick

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Several recent and anticipated developments in marine electrical system engineering must be considered in the context of power system protection. These include: the introduction of large-scale IFEP (Integrated Full Electric Propulsion) systems, where the role, reliability, availability and survivability of the power system have become more critical than before; the introduction of hybrid ac/dc power systems and powerconverter interfaces, which have a strong influence on the behavior of the overall system; increased requirements for redundancy and automatic power system reconfiguration, particularly in military applications where security of supply and continued operation in battle-damaged modes is essential; the introduction of loads such as EMALS (Electro-Magnetic Aircraft Launch System) and advanced weapons systems, which often require conditioned power supplies. Such developments present a number of issues and challenges associated with the protection of the power system; these issues and potential solutions are discussed in this paper. Requirements for further research are also presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-45
Number of pages8
JournalProceedings- Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology Part B Journal of Marine Design and Operations
Issue numberB13
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • requirement
  • interface
  • power electronics
  • electronic converter
  • availability
  • fault diagnostic
  • protection system
  • power supply
  • ship


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