Politics and the attack on FDR's economists: from the grand alliance to the Cold War

J.M. Boughton, R.J. Sandilands

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US government economists in the later years of the administration of Franklin Roosevelt were urged to treat the Soviet Union as an ally, in the interests of winning World War II and establishing the basis for peaceful cooperation after the war. The onset of the Cold War and the subsequent rise of McCarthyism sullied the reputations of many of them, especially the two most prominent: Lauchlin Currie (chief economist in the White House) and Harry Dexter White (chief economist in the Treasury). Close examination of the parallels between these two seemingly disparate cases reveals that recent attempts to revive the charges are no more firmly based than those of the early 1950s.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-99
Number of pages26
JournalIntelligence and National Security
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • intelligence studies
  • security studies
  • military
  • strategic studies
  • economics


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