'Plumb-Pudding Stone' and the romantic sublime: the landscape and geology of the Trossachs in The Statistical Account of Scotland (1791-99)

Tom Furniss

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Romantic Localities explores the ways in which Romantic-period writers of varying nationalities responded to languages, landscapes - both geographical and metaphorical - and literatures. This focus on how writers explore region and place ties in with current scholarly interest in 'transnational' perspectives. The essays featured in this collection are by scholars from around the world and discuss poetry, fiction, travel narratives and historical and scientific texts. The contributors examine versions of 'home' and 'abroad', as well as issues of 'now' and 'the past'. The concentration on locality is underpinned by explorations of mobility, mutability, sincerity and the real.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRomantic Localities
Subtitle of host publicationEurope Writes Place
EditorsChristoph Bode , Jacqueline Labbe
PublisherPickering & Chatto Publishers
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)1848930025
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

NameThe Enlightenment World
PublisherPickering and Chatto


  • romanticism
  • eighteenth-century literature
  • nineteenth-century literature


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