Plasma scale-length effects on electron energy spectra in high-irradiance laser plasmas

O. Culfa, G.J. Tallents, A.K. Rossall, E. Wagenaars, C. P. Ridgers, C.D. Murphy, R. J. Dance, R. J. Gray, P. McKenna, C.D.R Brown, S.F. James, D.J. Hoarty, N. Booth, A.P.L. Robinson, K.L. Lancaster, S.A. Pikuz, A. Ya Faenov, T. Kampfer, K. S. Schulze, I. UschmannN.C. Woolsey

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An analysis of an electron spectrometer used to characterize fast electrons generated by ultraintense (1020Wcm−2) laser interaction with a preformed plasma of scale length measured by shadowgraphy is presented. The effects of fringing magnetic fields on the electron spectral measurements and the accuracy of density scale-length measurements are evaluated. 2D EPOCH PIC code simulations are found to be in agreement with measurements of the electron energy spectra showing that laser filamentation in plasma preformed by a prepulse is important with longer plasma scale lengths (>8 μm).
Original languageEnglish
Article number043201
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2016


  • laser-plasma
  • preplasma
  • electron energy distributions


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