Physical Restraint : a Culture Shift for Organisations? Leadership Seminar Report and Recommendations


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A seminar was convened by SIRCC and the Care Commission to look at issues in managing physical restraint, following continuing concern from many quarters about policy and practice in this area. It also followed discussions with the Director of Who Cares? Scotland, about the frequency with which children and young people make complaints about the way they have been restrained. There have been government enquiries such as the Kent Report (1997) and public enquiries such as the Edinburgh’s Children (1998) report which have made specific recommendations in this area, not all of which have been implemented. These recommendations have encompassed independent evaluation of methods of restraint, the training of staff and accreditation of training, and the robust monitoring of the frequency of restraint.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGlasgow
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 5 Nov 2007


  • scotland
  • managing physical restraint


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