Phase 1 CCUS Cluster Rollout - Potential Wider-Economy Impacts, Responses and Trade-offs

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In October 2021 the UK Government announced decisions on Phase 1 of the UK Cluster Sequencing for Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) Deployment, with supported activity initially focussed in the Hynet and East Coast industrial clusters in the north of England. This policy briefing revisits the findings of CEP’s 2021 research on 'Moving Early on Carbon Capture and Storage', which used economy-wide scenario simulation analyses to understand the wider economy impacts of differing types of policy choices and economic conditions both for the delivery of industrial carbon capture and for introducing a new transport and storage sector to sequester captured emissions.1 Here we focus on considering how the Phase 1 cluster sequencing decisions may impact the outcomes and insights of this earlier research. Our initial results suggest that the relatively substantial levels of investment spending required within the next 3 years to enable deployment of the Hynet and East Coast CCUS clusters by 2025 may ultimately enable 'green growth', but with disruptive near-term wider economy impacts in challenging labour supply conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGlasgow
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 4 Feb 2022


  • carbon capture
  • climate change
  • carbon usage
  • carbon storage
  • net zero carbon


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