Performance analysis of a THz proximity wireless communication based on RTD

Rafael Nobrega, Ulysses Duarte, Thiago Raddo, Ivan Glesk, Anderson Sanches, Murilo Loiola

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This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of THz proximity wireless communication comprising a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) as a solid-state signal source. For such a system, it is investigated how the RTD-based oscillator performs under direct current (DC) bias applied within the negative differential region (NDR) to provide oscillations in the THz range. Specifically, it is accounted for the DC bias effect over the reactive elements that composed the small signal model of the oscillator composed by RTD device and bowtie antenna. The mathematical formalism developed here does require the use of complicated methods to assess the current versus voltage (I-V) characteristics of the RTD-based oscillators, which makes the performance analysis straightforward. The results indicated that the RTD-based oscillator could stabilize very high frequency oscillations and the THz proximity link considered can perform error-free transmissions at the short-range link up to 27 m.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2019
EventInternational Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference 2019 - Aveiro, Portugal
Duration: 10 Nov 201914 Nov 2019


ConferenceInternational Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference 2019
Abbreviated titleIMOC 2019
Internet address


  • wireless communication
  • THz frequency
  • RTD
  • proximity link
  • semi-analytical approach


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