Perfectly synchronized bit-parallel WDM data transmission over a single optical fiber

D. Zhou, B.C Wang, R.J. Runser, Ivan Glesk, P.R. Prucnal

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book


We have proposed and demonstrated a novel bit-level synchronization technique by perfectly synchronizing all bit-parallel WDM data transmitted over a 27.5 km single fiber. By sampling temporally skewed bit-parallel WDM data at a common overlapping range with an all optical switch (TOAD), the bit-parallel WDM channels emerge aligned exactly in time. Error free transmission on all WDM channels was achieved. The working range, where TOAD samples all overlapping bit-parallel WDM channels, is 220 ps for our particular experimental setup. For transmissions where the time skew exceeds 140 ps, traditional dispersion compensation techniques must be employed to contain the time-skew within 220 ps and to transmit longer distances.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationElectronic-Enhanced Optics, Optical Sensing in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Electro-Optics in Space, Broadband Optical Networks, 2000
Subtitle of host publicationDigest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings
Number of pages2
ISBN (Print)0780362527
Publication statusPublished - 2000


  • bit-parallel WDM data transmission
  • all optical switch
  • bit-level synchronization technique
  • terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer
  • single optical fiber


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