Pazopanib in advanced soft tissue sarcoma; Scottish study update

SHJ Walker, BA Fulton, JD White, U. Vishan, M McCleary, F Cowie, I Nixon, L Hayward, M Ferguson, T McGoldrick

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Background: Pazopanib became a treatment option for metastastic soft tissue sarcoma (STS), after failure of standard chemotherapy, following the PALETTE study (2012), which showed improvement in progression-free survival (PFS). In 2015 retrospective analysis of 13 patients with metastatic STS treated with pazopanib was collected; we have now reviewed a further 2 years worth of data throughout the four Sarcoma centres in Scotland. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 31 patients with metastatic STS treated with pazopanib was performed. The primary outcomes were PFS; overall survival (OS); toxicity data and tolerability of therapy. Results: Retrospective analysis identified 31 patients in total treated with pazopanib (median age 53.7years). All patients had advanced non-adipocyte, angiogenesis inhibitor- naïve STS prior to commencing therapy. Median PFS was 3.9 months (95% CI 2.2-5.6 months) and median OS 7.2 months (95% CI 4.5-9.6 months). 7 patients (23%) suffered grade 3-4 toxicity: diarrhoea; skin/hair pigmentation; LFT derangement; ‘unknown’. The most common grade 1-2 adverse events were skin/hair pigmentation (48%), diarrhoea (42%) and hypertension (42%). Conclusion: This retrospective analysis shows that while PFS is comparable to the influential PALETTE trial, OS is worse (7.2 months vs. 12.5months). We believe our data reveals more ‘real-life’ outcomes and experience, and continues to highlight that Pazopanib is a well-tolerated treatment option in patients with metastatic STS that provides an improvement in PFS. Further review of a subset of the patients to compare RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours) response with clinically defined benefit and time to best RECIST response is ongoing.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 26 Feb 2018
EventBritish Sarcoma Group Annual Conference - The Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 27 Feb 201828 Feb 2018


ConferenceBritish Sarcoma Group Annual Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • soft tissue sarcoma
  • chemotherapy
  • pazopanib


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