Outlook and appraisal [May 1984]

Frank Kirwan, Bob Buchanan, Robert Crawford, Paul Draper, Frank Harrigan, John Heeley, Iain Jenkins, James Love, Iain McNicoll, Jim McGilvray, Michael McVey, Arthur Midwinter, Noreen O'Donnell, David Simpson, Jim Stevens, Jim Walker, Frank Kirwan (Editor)

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This Commentary revises upwards our February assessment of the prospects for growth in the Scottish economy during the current year. The revision reflects several factors. The upturn in Scottish industry last year was both slower and weaker than anticipated, with the result that a greater part of the recovery phase is now likely to occur during the current year rather than in 1983. By contrast, the upturn in export markets other than the rest of the UK has proved stronger than foreseen. In addition, increases in personal tax allowances in the March Budget were almost three times as large as required by simple indexation. This Commentary will also appraise the current health of the world and UK economies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - May 1984


  • UK economic trends
  • British economic performance
  • industrial output
  • labour market trends
  • public sector borrowing


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