Outlook and appraisal [February 1987]

Brian Ashcroft, Jim Walker, Stephen Boyle, Paul Draper, Frank Harrigan, John Heeley, Iain Jenkins, Cliff Lockyer, Jim H Love, Peter McGregor, Iain McNicolI, Roger Perman, David Simpson, Brian Ashcroft (Editor), Jim Walker (Editor)

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Recent developments again highlight the significance of external economic forces to the well-being of the Scottish economy. Yet, as events unfold, with major redundancy decisions , inward investment announcements, and other economic news, it is tempting to forget that such events occur within a broader economic context.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-3
Number of pages3
JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 1987


  • Fraser of Allander
  • Scottish economic outlook
  • Scottish economic conditions


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