Outlook and appraisal [February 1985]

James Love, Dipak Basu, John Blackhall, Paul Draper, John Heeley, Iain Jenkins, Cliff Lockyer, Jim Love, Jim McGilvray, Peter McGregor, Iain McNicolI, Mike McVey, Noreen O'Donnell, David Simpson, Jim Stevens, Elizabeth Tait, Jim Walker, James Love (Editor)

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During 1984 the British economy maintained the growth rate of 2.5% achieved in the latter part of 1983. Growth in 1984 was depressed by the coal dispute which meant the direct loss of mining income and output and an associated reduction in the overall demand for the output of sectors such as Metal Goods and Mechanical Engineering. Resolution of the miners' dispute in the early part of the year and a full return to work will, with the associated "rebound" in activity, lead to a growth rate for 1985 of around 3 The longer the dispute is prolonged, the closer UK growth to the end of 1985 will approach the underlying rate of about 2.5
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 1985


  • Fraser of Allander
  • Scottish economic outlook
  • Scottish economic conditions


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