Outlook and appraisal [December 1993]

Mark McFarland, Myrvin Anthony, Lorraine Armstrong, Brian Ashcroft, Paul Draper, Stewart Dunlop, Sarah Le Tissier, Cliff Lockyer, Eleanor Malloy, Peter McGregor, Iain McNicoll, Eric McRory, Clare Reid, R Smith, Jim Stevens, Kim Swales, Ya Ping Yin, Mark McFarland (Editor), Fraser of Allander Institute

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The growth of GDP rose to 0.6% in the third quarter. As the UK recovery continues the Scottish economy is turning in a relatively poor performance. In the mediumterm Scottish quality textiles manufacturers and the Whisky industry should benefit from the impending GATT trade agreement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)i-iii
Number of pages3
JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1993


  • Scottish economic trends
  • economic forecasts


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