Orbit decentralized autonomous organization using blockchain-based consensus mechanisms

Red Boumghar, Annalisa Riccardi, Cesar Guzman, Shazhad Ameen

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In applications such as space traffic and disaster response management, public and private capabilities are growing fast. Multiple different stakeholders can create insight; detect and identify events (spacecraft conjunctions, natural disasters). An increase in the number of sources creating these insights lead to confusion for local authorities, operators or any insight users. The situation is so uncertain that the management of risk has lead to costly counter actions to be taken although they are likely to be non necessary. In space traffic management, a collision avoidance maneuver is costly and introduces secondary risks by changing a resident space object (RSO) trajectory and risking potential new conjunctions and eventually more probable collisions. This project, Space DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), sets the base infrastructure to agree on consensus mechanisms to reduce confusion and augment trust in key decision making information. Space DAO nurture the diversity of insight sources and acts as a market place for space insights offering governance power to users as well as data and services providers. It provides an innovative way to computationally define rules for space applications and an exchange for in-orbit and space related services.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 10 Mar 2023
EventSPACEOPS 2023: The 17th International Conference on Space Operations - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Duration: 6 Mar 202310 Mar 2023


ConferenceSPACEOPS 2023
Abbreviated titleSPACEOPS 2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Arab Emirates
Internet address


  • orbit decentralized autonomous organization
  • blockchain
  • consensus mechanisms


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