Optimal discrimination between overcomplete states

R. Clarke, V.M. Kendon, E. Riis, S.M. Barnett, A. Chefles

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


It is shown how to discriminate between overcomplete sets of quantum states wish minimum error probabilities. It is not possible to distinguish reliably between nonorthogonal states, but given a specific set of N states (N>2 for a two-state system), it is necessary to analyze how well they can be distinguished. This analysis will depend on whatever output is needed, the minimum error or the maximum information.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2000
Event2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2000) - Nice, France
Duration: 10 Sept 200015 Sept 2000


Conference2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2000)
CityNice, France


  • error analysis
  • probability
  • set theory
  • quantum states
  • quantum optics


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