On trust and privacy in context-aware systems

W. Wagealla, S. Terzis, C. English, P. Nixon

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Recent advances in networking, handheld computing and sensors technologies have led to the emergence of context-aware systems. The vast amounts of personal information collected by such systems has led to growing concerns about the privacy of their users. Users concerned about their private information are likely to refuse participation in such systems. Therefore, it is quite clear that for any context-aware system to be acceptable by the users, mechanisms for controlling access to personal information are a necessity. According to Alan Westin "privacy is the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information is communicated to others"1. Within this context we can classify users as either information owners or information receivers. It is also acknowledged that information owners are willing to disclose personal information if this disclosure is potentially beneficial. So, the acceptance of any context-aware system depends on the provision of mechanisms for fine-grained control of the disclosure of personal information incorporating an explicit notion of benefit.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventSecond Internal iTrust Workshop On Trust Management In Dynamic Open Systems - Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 15 Sept 200217 Sept 2002


ConferenceSecond Internal iTrust Workshop On Trust Management In Dynamic Open Systems
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • networking
  • handheld computing
  • mobile devices
  • sensors
  • computer security
  • trust management


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