On creep-fatigue endurance of TIG-dressed weldments using the linear matching method

Yevgen Gorash, Haofeng Chen

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This paper is devoted to parametric study on creep-fatigue endurance of the steel type 316N(L) weldments at 550◦C identified as type 3 according to R5 Vol. 2/3 procedure classification. The study is implemented using a direct method known as the Linear Matching Method (LMM) and based upon the creep-fatigue evaluation procedure considering time fraction rule for creep-damage assessment. Seven configurations of the weldment, characterised by particular values of a geometrical parameter ρ, are proposed. Parameter ρ, which represents different grades of TIG dressing, is a ratio between the radius of the fillet of the remelted metal on a weld toe and the thickness of welded plates. For each configuration, the total number of cycles to failure N⋆ in creep-fatigue conditions is assessed numerically for different loading cases defined by normalised bending moment ˜M and dwell period t. The obtained set of N⋆ is extrapolated by the analytic function dependent on ˜M, t and parameter ρ. Proposed function for N⋆ shows good agreement with numerical results obtained by the LMM. Therefore, it is used for the identification of Fatigue Strength Reduction Factors (FSRFs) effected by creep, which are intended for design purposes, and dependent on t and ρ.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)308-323
Number of pages16
JournalEngineering Failure Analysis
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2013


  • creep
  • damage
  • finite element analysis
  • FSRF
  • low-cycle fatigue
  • type 316 steel
  • weldment


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