On cognitive radar jamming for countering cognitive electromagnetic protection systems

Hemanga Banerjee*, Christos Ilioudis, Carmine Clemente, Christopher Williams

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The paper introduces a novel model of a fully adaptive cognitive radar jamming approach, designed for the purpose of countering modern cognitive radars. Cognitive radar systems have been widely used in modern electromagnetic warfare and also serve as an effective counter to traditional jamming techniques. Cognitive jamming makes use of machine learning and adaptive signal processing strategies to dynamically adapt jamming strategies in response to real-time changes in target radar transmissions. The proposed model may be used to incorporate advanced reinforcement learning algorithms, signal feature extraction techniques, and waveform optimization techniques to create a cohesive system that can optimize jamming strategies with minimal prior knowledge of the electromagnetic environment. The paper also discusses the state-of-the-art in cognitive radar jamming technologies, and their efficiency in the face of intelligent radar equipped with advanced anti-jamming measures. Furthermore, it addresses current challenges and future directions in the field with considerations for defence and security applications.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 30 Sept 2024
EventIEEE Techdefence 2024 - Naples, Italy
Duration: 11 Nov 202413 Nov 2024


ConferenceIEEE Techdefence 2024


  • cognition
  • decision-making
  • jamming
  • radar
  • waveform optimization


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