"O lawful let it be / That I have room ... to curse a while": voicing the nation's conscience in female complaint in Richard III, King John and Henry VIII

Alison Thorne

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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To understand what drives this female‐led quest for justice we must situate this as a response to the traumas of the recent past which still convulse the respective play‐worlds, whether the legacy of internecine strife from the War of the Roses that imprints itself upon the fractured court of Richard III, the unresolved struggle over the succession in King John, or the upheavals of the English Reformation in Henry VIII. Each of these plays evokes a profoundly dysfunctional society where the normal patrilineal structures of authority and legitimate succession have broken down, where oaths are routinely violated, theology is manipulated for political gain, and the law perverted to serve the will of individuals, instead of the bono publico. What is undeniably catastrophic for the body politic, though, proves oddly enabling for the plays' female protagonists.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThis England, That Shakespeare
Subtitle of host publicationNew Angles on Englishness and the Bard
EditorsWilly Maley, Margaret Tudeau-Clayton
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2010


  • Shakespear
  • England
  • englishness
  • plays
  • female complaint
  • Richard III
  • King John
  • Henry VIII


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